From Technocracy to Citizen Science: The Nature of Expertise and the Place of Experts in our Societies


This article reports on the 11th annual meeting organised by researchers working in the field of Studies of Expertise and Experience (SEESHOP11). The workshop was hosted by the Confucius Institute of University of Geneva and was held on 20-21 May 2017 and continues a series that has included meetings in Cardiff University (UK), University of California (US), Arizona State University (US) and University of Waterloo (CAN). During the workshop, which was held in the Confucius Institute’s dazzling 19th century villa Rive-Belle, we hosted a total of 19 researchers from social science, humanities and law faculties around the world. This article is a brief report of this event and how it is related to Chinese studies and the works of Confucius Institute.

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Property Law – Part IV


The conclusive panel of this two-days conference considered property in an international law perspective. It specifically dealt with the protection of private and public property in international law. Mr. Dayuan Han, Professor of Constitutional Law at Renmin University of China Law School, moderated the panel.

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Property Law – Part II


To start with, Professor Marc-André Renold (University of Geneva) spoke about the interplay between property rights in works of art and public control on their circulation. He analysed the effectiveness of the countries’ rules to restrain the exportation of what they consider their cultural heritage.

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Property Law – Part III


On Tuesday morning the workshop continued with a panel focusing on the relationship between intellectual property (‘IP’) and property. The panel included Professor Guo He, Dr Kimberlee Wheatherall, Professor Jacques de Werra and Michael Kenneally. The session was moderated by Professor Henry Smith from Harvard Law School. His introductory remark stressed the fact that discussions about intellectual property rights makes us ask about the very nature of the concept of property, as intellectual property and its conceptualization links the notions of property rights with obligations, such that terms like quasi-property are being utilized.

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Property Law – Part I

Bingwan XIONG

In January 2013, the Faculty of Law and the Confucius Institute of the University of Geneva organized the first Geneva-Harvard-Renmin-Sydney Law Faculty Conference. Speakers considered the interplay between public and private property, the relationships between intellectual property and property, and the protection of private and public property under international law, in a comparative perspective. The four reports below provide a summary of the main points discussed during the two-day workshop. (See also the news report on the Harvard Law School website.)

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Le droit pénal face à la criminalité économique et financière en Chine et en Suisse

Martina KUNZ 

Les 23 et 24 août 2012, l’Institut Confucius a accueilli des juristes chinois et suisses dans le cadre d’un séminaire consacré à la criminalité financière et économique dans les deux pays. À cette occasion, le professeur Xiao Zhonghua, professeur de droit pénal et vice-secrétaire du comité du parti de la Faculté de droit de l’Université Renmin, M. Wang Haiqiao, Maître de conférences à la North China University of Technology et chercheur à l’Université Renmin, et une doctorante du professeur Xiao, Mme Xu Fan, qui est sur le point d’achever une thèse de doctorat traitant de la criminalité financière en Chine, se sont rendus à Genève. Du côté suisse, la vice-doyenne de la Faculté de droit de l’Université de Genève et professeure en droit pénal Ursula Cassani, l’ancien doyen et professeur en droit financier et économique Christian Bovet, un procureur du Canton de Genève, Claudio Mascotto, ainsi que l’auteure de ce compte-rendu, doctorante et assistante en droit international à l’Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales et du Développement, ont proposé une perspective helvétique.

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