The Rise of Fact-Checking in China


In recent years, Chinese fact-checking agencies have emerged, developing unique characteristics and functions compared to their Western counterparts, reflecting distinct media landscapes and sociopolitical contexts. This study is based on exploratory research and aims to introduce to the reader notable Chinese fact-checking agencies and present their key aspects. The analysis relies on a variety media sources, including non-academic references, and we therefore emphasize the preliminary nature of the findings.

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Wikipedia as a Reliable Information Source: A Comparison of Chinese and English Versions

Peiyuan SUN

In the digital age, Wikipedia has grown to be the biggest online encyclopedia in terms of comprehensiveness, reach and coverage. It has more than fifty-five million articles in around 300 languages, making it one of the most-widely visited websites around the globe (Mostafa, 2023). Most importantly, Wikipedia has a large amount of volunteers who produce the content for free and edit existing posts through the adoption of an online “volunteer crowdsourcing” model (Jones, 2018; Wikipedia, 2023). This open editing policy has long been a point of contention in academic circles, which raised questions about its reliability and suitability as a reference in educational contexts. Some researchers suggest that “the exponential growth and reliability of Wikipedia make it an ideal knowledge resource for information retrieval” (Mostafa, 2023). However, there continues to be much debate about whether Wikipedia should be used in academia or not (Okoli et al., 2012; Arroyo-Machado et al., 2020).[1] The impermanence of encyclopedic entries and concerns about the quality of content have posed major challenges for years (Peoples, 2009).

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Emerging Literacy Education in the Digital Age

Danisha DECIUS

In an era where information and communication technologies (ICTs) are more accessible than ever before, the spread of disinformation, misinformation and low-quality information has become a pressing global concern. The need for critical evaluation skills has never been more urgent in this new and constantly developing environment. As a result, this worldwide challenge is driving a movement toward integrating a new type of literacy into the education system across the globe.

Digital, media and information literacy mean more than the mere consumption of online content; rather, these are about investigating sources, verifying content, questioning motives behind the creation of information and making informed judgments. With the digital landscape becoming increasingly more complex every day, we can see that teaching the skills to navigate the novel data landscape is turning into a priority worldwide among educators and policymakers.

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